Just to make it fun hrrs an add remover

  Cs Cmds

amx_kick "emrin kon po don me kick"

amx_ban "emrin kon po don me banirat"
amx_banip "emrin kon don eme banirat me IP"
amx_unban "emrin ose IP per me ja hek banin"
amx_slay "emrin" - per me ja bo kill
amx_slap "emrin" - per me ja dridh ( shuplak ) :P
amx_cvar sv_restart 1 - per me res
amx_map "emrin e mapit" - per me ndru mapin
amx_nick "emrin qysh e ka" "emrin qysh po don me ja bo"
amx_say "mesazhi qa podon me shkru" 
amx_psay white "me fol me tbardha"
amx_tsay white "tbardha anash"
amx_csay white "tbardha ne mes" 
amx_votemap map1 map2 - .psh. amx_votemap de_dust2 de_nuke de_prishtina
amx_vote "pytja qa po don me vet" "pergjigja 1" "pergjigja 2"
amx_chat "tekstin" ( me kete komand fol veq me admina tjertnuk mund ta shohin )
amx_kickmenu ( menuja per kick )
amx_banmenu ( menuja per ban )
amx_cvarmenu (menuja e CVAR )
amx_reloadadmins ( per tja bere refresh fajllit ku jon adminat nese shtoni ndonje admin )
amx_pause 1 ( per ta bere pause serverin )
amx_pause 0 ( per ta hekur pausen )
amx_off ( nese doni ta nalni AMX )
amx_on ( per ta leshuar AMX )
amx_rcon ( dergon ne server komandat permes rconit )
amxmodmenu - per paraqitjen e te gjithe menuve qe jan me amx
amx_cvar sv_password "paswwordi i srv" - per ti qitur password serverit
amx_cvar mp_freezetime 8 - per tja ndryshuar freezetime srv

Per ti par full komandat dhe acesat te cilat i keni e shenojm ne consol :
dhe to te shihni sa acesa i keni dhe te gjitha komandat te cilat mund ti perdorni

Sheno /hp per te pare at qe te ka vra

Sheno /me per ti pare kundershtarit se sa hp ja ki jek

Sheno /rank  per te pare radhitjen tuaj ne server

Sheno /top15  per ti pare 15 lojtaret qe kan me se shumti vrasje

Sheno nextmap per te pare mapen e ardhshme

Sheno timeleft per te pare kohen e mbetur




Con Color

Digite no console:
con_color xxx

"210 180 140"

con_color "edhe numrat ne anen e djatht"

Cor Valor RGB
Snow 255 250 250
GhostWhite 248 248 255
WhiteSmoke 245 245 245
Gainsboro 220 220 220
FloralWhite 255 250 240
OldLace 253 245 230
Linen 250 240 230
AntiqueWhite 250 235 215
PapayaWhip 255 239 213
BlanchedAlmond 255 235 205
Bisque 255 228 196
PeachPuff 255 218 185
NavajoWhite 255 222 173
Moccasin 255 228 181
Cornsilk 255 248 220
Ivory 255 255 240
LemonChiffon 255 250 205
Seashell 255 245 238
Honeydew 240 255 240
MintCream 245 255 250
Azure 240 255 255
AliceBlue 240 248 255
lavender 230 230 250
LavenderBlush 255 240 245
MistyRose 255 228 225
White 255 255 255
Black 0 0 0
DarkSlateGray 47 79 79
DimGrey 105 105 105
SlateGrey 112 128 144
LightSlateGray 119 136 153
Grey 190 190 190
MidnightBlue 25 25 112
NavyBlue (Navy) 0 0 128
CornflowerBlue 100 149 237
DarkSlateBlue 72 61 139
SlateBlue 106 90 205
MediumSlateBlue 123 104 238
LightSlateBlue 132 112 255
MediumBlue 0 0 205
RoyalBlue 65 105 225
Blue 0 0 255
DodgerBlue 30 144 255
DeepSkyBlue 0 191 255
SkyBlue 135 206 235
LightSkyBlue 135 206 250
SteelBlue 70 130 180
LightSteelBlue 176 196 222
LightBlue 173 216 230
PowderBlue 176 224 230
PaleTurquoise 175 238 238
DarkTurquoise 0 206 209
MediumTurquoise 72 209 204
Turquoise 64 224 208
Cyan 0 255 255
LightCyan 224 255 255
CadetBlue 95 158 160
MediumAquamarine 102 205 170
Aquamarine 127 255 212
DarkGreen 0 100 0
DarkOliveGreen 85 107 47
DarkSeaGreen 143 188 143
SeaGreen 46 139 87
MediumSeaGreen 60 179 113
LightSeaGreen 32 178 170
PaleGreen 152 251 152
SpringGreen 0 255 127
LawnGreen 124 252 0
Green 0 255 0
Chartreuse 127 255 0
MediumSpringGreen 0 250 154
GreenYellow 173 255 47
LimeGreen 50 205 50
YellowGreen 154 205 50
ForestGreen 34 139 34
OliveDrab 107 142 35
DarkKhaki 189 183 107
Khaki 240 230 140
PaleGoldenrod 238 232 170
LightGoldenrodYellow 250 250 210
LightYellow 255 255 224
Yellow 255 255 0
Gold 255 215 0
LightGoldenrod 238 221 130
goldenrod 218 165 32
DarkGoldenrod 184 134 11
RosyBrown 188 143 143
IndianRed 205 92 92
SaddleBrown 139 69 19
Sienna 160 82 45
Peru 205 133 63
Burlywood 222 184 135
Beige 245 245 220
Wheat 245 222 179
SandyBrown 244 164 96
Tan 210 180 140
Chocolate 210 105 30
Firebrick 178 34 34
Brown 165 42 42
DarkSalmon 233 150 122
Salmon 250 128 114
LightSalmon 255 160 122
Orange 255 165 0
DarkOrange 255 140 0
Coral 255 127 80
LightCoral 240 128 128
Tomato 255 99 71
OrangeRed 255 69 0
Red 255 0 0
HotPink 255 105 180
DeepPink 255 20 147
Pink 255 192 203
LightPink 255 182 193
PaleVioletRed 219 112 147
Maroon 176 48 96
MediumVioletRed 199 21 133
VioletRed 208 32 144
Magenta 255 0 255
Violet 238 130 238
Plum 221 160 221
Orchid 218 112 214
MediumOrchid 186 85 211
DarkOrchid 153 50 204
DarkViolet 148 0 211
BlueViolet 138 43 226
Purple 160 32 240
MediumPurple 147 112 219
Thistle 216 191 216
Snow1 255 250 250
Snow2 238 233 233
Snow3 205 201 201
Snow4 139 137 137
Seashell1 255 245 238
Seashell2 238 229 222
Seashell3 205 197 191
Seashell4 139 134 130
AntiqueWhite1 255 239 219
AntiqueWhite2 238 223 204
AntiqueWhite3 205 192 176
AntiqueWhite4 139 131 120
Bisque1 255 228 196
Bisque2 238 213 183
Bisque3 205 183 158
Bisque4 139 125 107
PeachPuff1 255 218 185
PeachPuff2 238 203 173
PeachPuff3 205 175 149
PeachPuff4 139 119 101
NavajoWhite1 255 222 173
NavajoWhite2 238 207 161
NavajoWhite3 205 179 139
NavajoWhite4 139 121 94
LemonChiffon1 255 250 205
LemonChiffon2 238 233 191
LemonChiffon3 205 201 165
LemonChiffon4 139 137 112
Cornsilk1 255 248 220
Cornsilk2 238 232 205
Cornsilk3 205 200 177
Cornsilk4 139 136 120
Ivory1 255 255 240
Ivory2 238 238 224
Ivory3 205 205 193
Ivory4 139 139 131
Honeydew1 240 255 240
Honeydew2 224 238 224
Honeydew3 193 205 193
Honeydew4 131 139 131
LavenderBlush1 255 240 245
LavenderBlush2 238 224 229
LavenderBlush3 205 193 197
LavenderBlush4 139 131 134
MistyRose1 255 228 225
MistyRose2 238 213 210
MistyRose3 205 183 181
MistyRose4 139 125 123
Azure1 240 255 255
Azure2 224 238 238
Azure3 193 205 205
Azure4 131 139 139
SlateBlue1 131 111 255
SlateBlue2 122 103 238
SlateBlue3 105 89 205
SlateBlue4 71 60 139
RoyalBlue1 72 118 255
RoyalBlue2 67 110 238
RoyalBlue3 58 95 205
RoyalBlue4 39 64 139
Blue1 0 0 255
Blue2 0 0 238
Blue3 0 0 205
Blue4 0 0 139
DodgerBlue1 30 144 255
DodgerBlue2 28 134 238
DodgerBlue3 24 116 205
DodgerBlue4 16 78 139
SteelBlue1 99 184 255
SteelBlue2 92 172 238
SteelBlue3 79 148 205
SteelBlue4 54 100 139
DeepSkyBlue1 0 191 255
DeepSkyBlue2 0 178 238
DeepSkyBlue3 0 154 205
DeepSkyBlue4 0 104 139
SkyBlue1 135 206 255
SkyBlue2 126 192 238
SkyBlue3 108 166 205
SkyBlue4 74 112 139
LightSkyBlue1 176 226 255
LightSkyBlue2 164 211 238
LightSkyBlue3 141 182 205
LightSkyBlue4 96 123 139
SlateGray1 198 226 255
SlateGray2 185 211 238
SlateGray3 159 182 205
SlateGray4 108 123 139
LightSteelBlue1 202 225 255
LightSteelBlue2 188 210 238
LightSteelBlue3 162 181 205
LightSteelBlue4 110 123 139
LightBlue1 191 239 255
LightBlue2 178 223 238
LightBlue3 154 192 205
LightBlue4 104 131 139
LightCyan1 224 255 255
LightCyan2 209 238 238
LightCyan3 180 205 205
LightCyan4 122 139 139
PaleTurquoise1 187 255 255
PaleTurquoise2 174 238 238
PaleTurquoise3 150 205 205
PaleTurquoise4 102 139 139
CadetBlue1 152 245 255
CadetBlue2 142 229 238
CadetBlue3 122 197 205
CadetBlue4 83 134 139
Turquoise1 0 245 255
Turquoise2 0 229 238
Turquoise3 0 197 205
Turquoise4 0 134 139
Cyan1 0 255 255
Cyan2 0 238 238
Cyan3 0 205 205
Cyan4 0 139 139
DarkSlateGray1 151 255 255
DarkSlateGray2 141 238 238
DarkSlateGray3 121 205 205
DarkSlateGray4 82 139 139
Aquamarine1 127 255 212
Aquamarine2 118 238 198
Aquamarine3 102 205 170
Aquamarine4 69 139 116
DarkSeaGreen1 193 255 193
DarkSeaGreen2 180 238 180
DarkSeaGreen3 155 205 155
DarkSeaGreen4 105 139 105
SeaGreen1 84 255 159
SeaGreen2 78 238 148
SeaGreen3 67 205 128
SeaGreen4 46 139 87
PaleGreen1 154 255 154
PaleGreen2 144 238 144
PaleGreen3 124 205 124
PaleGreen4 84 139 84
SpringGreen1 0 255 127
SpringGreen2 0 238 118
SpringGreen3 0 205 102
SpringGreen4 0 139 69
Green1 0 255 0
Green2 0 238 0
Green3 0 205 0
Green4 0 139 0
Chartreuse1 127 255 0
Chartreuse2 118 238 0
Chartreuse3 102 205 0
Chartreuse4 69 139 0
OliveDrab1 192 255 62
OliveDrab2 179 238 58
OliveDrab3 154 205 50
OliveDrab4 105 139 34
DarkOliveGreen1 202 255 112
DarkOliveGreen2 188 238 104
DarkOliveGreen3 162 205 90
DarkOliveGreen4 110 139 61
Khaki1 255 246 143
Khaki2 238 230 133
Khaki3 205 198 115
Khaki4 139 134 78
LightGoldenrod1 255 236 139
LightGoldenrod2 238 220 130
LightGoldenrod3 205 190 112
LightGoldenrod4 139 129 76
LightYellow1 255 255 224
LightYellow2 238 238 209
LightYellow3 205 205 180
LightYellow4 139 139 122
Yellow1 255 255 0
Yellow2 238 238 0
Yellow3 205 205 0
Yellow4 139 139 0
Gold1 255 215 0
Gold2 238 201 0
Gold3 205 173 0
Gold4 139 117 0
Goldenrod1 255 193 37
Goldenrod2 238 180 34
Goldenrod3 205 155 29
Goldenrod4 139 105 20
DarkGoldenrod1 255 185 15
DarkGoldenrod2 238 173 14
DarkGoldenrod3 205 149 12
DarkGoldenrod4 139 101 8
RosyBrown1 255 193 193
RosyBrown2 238 180 180
RosyBrown3 205 155 155
RosyBrown4 139 105 105
IndianRed1 255 106 106
IndianRed2 238 99 99
IndianRed3 205 85 85
IndianRed4 139 58 58
Sienna1 255 130 71
Sienna2 238 121 66
Sienna3 205 104 57
Sienna4 139 71 38
Burlywood1 255 211 155
Burlywood2 238 197 145
Burlywood3 205 170 125
Burlywood4 139 115 85
Wheat1 255 231 186
Wheat2 238 216 174
Wheat3 205 186 150
Wheat4 139 126 102
Tan1 255 165 79
Tan2 238 154 73
Tan3 205 133 63
Tan4 139 90 43
Chocolate1 255 127 36
Chocolate2 238 118 33
Chocolate3 205 102 29
Chocolate4 139 69 19
Firebrick1 255 48 48
Firebrick2 238 44 44
Firebrick3 205 38 38
Firebrick4 139 26 26
Brown1 255 64 64
Brown2 238 59 59
Brown3 205 51 51
Brown4 139 35 35
Salmon1 255 140 105
Salmon2 238 130 98
Salmon3 205 112 84
Salmon4 139 76 57
LightSalmon1 255 160 122
LightSalmon2 238 149 114
LightSalmon3 205 129 98
LightSalmon4 139 87 66
Orange1 255 165 0
Orange2 238 154 0
Orange3 205 133 0
Orange4 139 90 0
DarkOrange1 255 127 0
DarkOrange2 238 118 0
DarkOrange3 205 102 0
DarkOrange4 139 69 0
Coral1 255 114 86
Coral2 238 106 80
Coral3 205 91 69
Coral4 139 62 47
Tomato1 255 99 71
Tomato2 238 92 66
Tomato3 205 79 57
Tomato4 139 54 38
OrangeRed1 255 69 0
OrangeRed2 238 64 0
OrangeRed3 205 55 0
OrangeRed4 139 37 0
Red1 255 0 0
Red2 238 0 0
Red3 205 0 0
Red4 139 0 0
DeepPink1 255 20 147
DeepPink2 238 18 137
DeepPink3 205 16 118
DeepPink4 139 10 80
HotPink1 255 110 180
HotPink2 238 106 167
HotPink3 205 96 144
HotPink4 139 58 98
Pink1 255 181 197
Pink2 238 169 184
Pink3 205 145 158
Pink4 139 99 108
LightPink1 255 174 185
LightPink2 238 162 173
LightPink3 205 140 149
LightPink4 139 95 101
PaleVioletRed1 255 130 171
PaleVioletRed2 238 121 159
PaleVioletRed3 205 104 137
PaleVioletRed4 139 71 93
Maroon1 255 52 179
Maroon2 238 48 167
Maroon3 205 41 144
Maroon4 139 28 98
VioletRed1 255 62 150
VioletRed2 238 58 140
VioletRed3 205 50 120
VioletRed4 139 34 82
Magenta1 255 0 255
Magenta2 238 0 238
Magenta3 205 0 205
Magenta4 139 0 139
Orchid1 255 131 250
Orchid2 238 122 233
Orchid3 205 105 201
Orchid4 139 71 137
Plum1 255 187 255
Plum2 238 174 238
Plum3 205 150 205
Plum4 139 102 139
MediumOrchid1 224 102 255
MediumOrchid2 209 95 238
MediumOrchid3 180 82 205
MediumOrchid4 122 55 139
DarkOrchid1 191 62 255
DarkOrchid2 178 58 238
DarkOrchid3 154 50 205
DarkOrchid4 104 34 139
Purple1 155 48 255
Purple2 145 44 238
Purple3 125 38 205
Purple4 85 26 139
MediumPurple1 171 130 255
MediumPurple2 159 121 238
MediumPurple3 137 104 205
MediumPurple4 93 71 139
Thistle1 255 225 255
Thistle2 238 210 238
Thistle3 205 181 205
Thistle4 139 123 139
grey11 28 28 28
grey21 54 54 54
grey31 79 79 79
grey41 105 105 105
grey51 130 130 130
grey61 156 156 156
grey71 181 181 181
gray81 207 207 207
gray91 232 232 232
DarkGrey 169 169 169
DarkBlue 0 0 139
DarkCyan 0 139 139
DarkMagenta 139 0 139
DarkRed 139 0 0
LightGreen 144 238 144


Command / Variable Name Who Uses It? General Category Description
+attack client player primary fire
+attack2 client player secondary fire - special action (zoom, burst fire, silencer)
+back client player move backwards
+duck client player crouches
+forward client player moves forward
+jump client player jumps
+klook client player enables the keyboard to look around
+left client player strafes left
+lookdown client player looks down
+lookup client player looks up
+mlook client mouse enables mouse to look around
+movedown client player moves player down - *climbing down a ladder, swimming down
+moveleft client player strafes left
+moveright client player strafes right
+moveup client player moves player up - *climbing up a ladder, swimming up
+reload client player reloads current weapon
+right client player strafes right
+showscores client player shows player scores and pings
+speed client player forces player to walk if 'always run' is enabled, and forces player to run if 'always run' is disabled
+strafe client player strafe modifier - while this is held down, use direction keys to strafe in different directions
+use client player uses an item- such as a button, machine gun, etc.
adjust_crosshair client player Use to change crosshair color
alias "cmd1; cmd2" client player binds commands together in an alias to perform mutiple tasks at the hit of one button
allowupload client uploading/ downloading toggles the uploading of local decals and models to the server on/off
ambient_fade 100 client audio sets the distance at which ambient sounds fade away
ambient_level 0.300 client audio sets the sound level for ambient sounds
appenddemo client demo records a demo and appends it to the demo file in existence at Half-Life/Valve/demo.dem
bind client player combines a with a command or alias
bottomcolor 6 client player sets the bottom color of the player model
brightness 1 client video enables glare reduction - *the higher the value, the brighter it gets
buy client player This opens the Buy Menu
buyequip client player This opens the Buy Equipment Menu
buyammo1 client player This buys one primary magazine or clip
buyammo2 client player This buys one pistol clip
cancelselect client player cancels selection
chooseteam client player displays the team change menu
cl_allowdownload 0 client uploading/ downloading toggles download of maps, models and decals when joining a server - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_allowupload 0 client uploading/ downloading toggles upload of maps, models and decals when joining a server - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_anglespeedkey 0.670 client player sets the speed that the direction keys change the view angle
cl_backspeed 400 client player sets the backup speed of a player - number can only go as fast as a particular server allows
cl_bob 0.010 client player sets the amount that the view bobs while the player is running
cl_bobcycle 0.800 client player sets how frequently the view of a player bobs while running
cl_bobup 0.500 client player sets the amount that the view of a player bobs while running
cl_download_ingame 0 client uploading/ downloading toggles downloads of models and decals during a game - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_forwardspeed 400 client player sets the forward speed of a player - *can only go as fast as the server allows
cl_gaitestimation 1 client player enables estimated player stepping motion
cl_hidefrags client player Set to 1 to hide all frag/death counts on the Scoreboard but your own, 0 to show
cl_gg 0 client player toggles game gauge mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_himodels client player toggles higer quality player models - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_messages client player shows server messages
cl_movespeedkey 0.300 client player sets movement speed for keyboard use
cl_nopred 0 client player toggles client-side prediction - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_observercrosshair client player set to 1 to enable crosshairs in Observer mode, 0 to disable
cl_pitchdown client player sets the maximum angle to look down - *default is 89
cl_pitchspeed 225 client player sets the speed at which the pitch changes
cl_pitchup client player sets the maximum angle to look up - *default is 89
cl_showfps 1 client player This shows your FPS, default is 0 off, and 1 is on. Better than netgraph for saving FPS
cl_shownet 0 client player toggles the display of network packet numbers - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_slist 10 client player sets the number of servers in the serverlist
cl_solid_players 1 client player toggles solid player models - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_upspeed 320 client player sets the speed of a player when he climbs up
cl_waterdist 4 client player sets the underwater distance
cl_yawspeed 210 client player sets the turning speed - * only will go as fast as a server allows
clear client player clears the console screen
cmd client player can use this in conjunction with a command
cmdlist client/ server all lists all of the console commands - * if you type 'cmdlist a', it will only list those commands that begin with the letter a, and so on - also, 'cmdlist log logfile writes the list to C:logfile
concolor "XXX XXX XXX" client player changes the color of your HUD, where the XXX is a value from 0-255
connect client player connects to a server with the used ip address
cvarlist client/ server all lists all the console variables in the console - * 'cvar log filename' will write this list to the file C:filename
developer 0 mod authors developers toggles on/off special developer debug console messages - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
disconnect client player disconnects a player from a server
drawradar client player This shows your friendly radar; "hideradar" hides it
drop client player This drops whatever is in your hands at the time you use it
echo "message" client player echos text to the console - * useful for letting a player know that a script or .cfg file was loaded successfully
enableconsole client player enables the console screen
escape client player acts as key by hiding the console and cancelling selections
exec client/ server all executes a script of .cfg file
exit client/ server all closes a game or dedicated server program to windows without confirmation
fakelag 0 client player simulates lag - * the higher the number, the more simulated lag
fakeloss 0 client player simulates packet loss - * the higher the value, the more simulated packet loss
fastsprites X client player x=0:regular smoke grenade,1:simple smoke grenade(default),2:very simple smoke grenade
force_centerview client player forces the player's view to look straight ahead
fps_lan client player sets the maximum framerate on a LAN game
fps_modem client player sets the maximum framerate in an internet game
fps_single client player sets the maximum framerate in a single playergame
fullinfo     displays user information
fullserverinfo     displays server information
gamma 3 client video sets the gamma level
getcertificate client player gets certificate from WON
getsv client player lists each server's ip address and the total number of servers
gl_alphamin 0.250 client video sets the minimum alpha blending level
gl_clear 0 client video toggles visual quality - * cracks between textures show when set to 1
gl_cull 1 client video toggles rendering of visible objects only - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off', and 0 will lower fps
gl_d3dflip 0 client video toggles reversed rendering order for D3D
gl_dither 1 client video toggles dithering - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_dump client video lists the data for the video card: vendor, renderer, version, and extensions used
gl_flipmatrix 0 client video toggles special crosshair fix when using the 3DNow! 3Dfx MiniGL - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_keeptjunctions 0 client video toggles showing of cracks between textures - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off', with 1 being the better quality and slower fps
gl_lightholes 0 client video toggles light holes - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_max_size 256 client video sets the maximum texture size
gl_monolights 0 client video toggles a uniform light source with no shadows - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off', and works in OpenGL only
gl_overbright 0 client video toggles maximum brightness mode - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_palette_tex 0 client video toggles paletted textures - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_picmip 0 client video sets the rendering quality - * higher the number is faster but lower quality
gl_playermip 0 client video sets the player rendering quality - * higher the number is faster but lower quality
gl_polyoffset 4 client video sets the polygon offset - try out different values for texture flickering problems
gl_round_down 3 client video sets the texture rounding down value - * higher the number faster but lower quality
gl_smoothmodels 0 client video toggles model smoothing - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_spriteblend 0 client video toggles blending sprite graphics - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_texels client video reports the number of texels uploaded to the video card
gl_texsort 0 client video toggles a texel sort - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
gl_texturemode [type] client video sets the rendering mode in order from the lowest quality but fastest to highest quality which is slower - * [type] options are: gl_nearest_mipmap_nearest, gl_linear_mipmap_nearest (these two deal with bilinear filtering) and gl_nearest_mipmap_linear, gl_linear_mipmap_linear (which deals with trilinear filtering)
gl_zmax 4096 client video sets the maximum size for the Z-Buffer
gl_ztrick 1 client video toggles the speeding up of 3Dfx rendering - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
graphheight 64 client player sets the height of the r_netgraph display
graphhigh 512 client player sets the maximum value of the r_netgraph display
graphmean 1 client player sets the mean value of the r_netgraph display
graphmedian 128 client player sets the median value of the r_netgraph display
hideconsole client player hides the console
hideradar client player hides the radar
hisound 1 client audio toggles high-quality sound - * 1=22kHz, 0=11kHz
hud_centerid 0 client player toggles player ID display - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
hud_fastswitch 0 client player toggles fast weapon switching - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
hud_saytext_time 5 client player sets how long chat messages remain onscreen
impulse 100 client player enables flashlight
impulse 201 client player sprays logo decal
lastinv client player selects previous item in inventory
invnext client player selects next item in inventory
invprev client player selects previous item in inventory
kill client player player suicides to respawn again
lightgamma 2.500 client video sets the lighting gamma value
listdemo client demo lists information about
lookspring 0 client mouse toggles automatic view centering when 'mlook' is deactivated - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
lookstrafe 0 client mouse toggles mouse strafing when 'mlook' is active - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
m_filter 0 client mouse toggles mouse filtering (smoothing) - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
m_forward client mouse sets the mouse forward speed sensitivity multiplier
m_pitch 0.022 client mouse sets the mouse pitch (up and down motion) speed sensitivity multiplier - * negative numbers result in an inverted mouselook
m_side 0.800 client mouse sets the mouse strafing speed sensitivity multiplier
m_yaw 0.022 client mouse sets the yaw speed sensitivity multiplier
max_shells X client player X = maximum number of shells at one time
max_smokepuffs X client player X = max. number of smoke puffs at one time
menuselect X client player selects item X from a menu
messagemode client player displays to all other players on a server
messagemode2 client player displays to only other players on same team
motd client player displays the Message Of The Day from the server's motd.txt file
name client player used to change a player's name
net_graph 1 client player this shows your fps, network latency, up & downstream bandwidth, and your client and server update rate. net_graph 0 turns it off, net_graph 3 shows the info without the graph and saves some fps.
nosound 0 client audio toggles sound - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
pingsv client player pings a server at
play client audio plays a .wav designated by
playdemo client demo plays .dem at normal speed
playvol 9 client demo sets demo playback volume
pushlatency -100 client player set this number to the inverse of your ping to help latency
quit client/ server all exits to windows without confirmation
r_decals 250 client player sets the maximum number of decals
r_drawviewmodel 0 client player toggles drawing player weapon model - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
r_dynamic 0 client video toggles dynamic lighting - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
r_mmx 0 client player toggles MMX calculations for MMX cpu's - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
radio1 client player This opens up Radio1 Menu
radio2 client player This opens up Radio2 Menu
radio3 client player This opens up Radio3 Menu
r_netgraph 0 client player toggles graph of network conditions - *0 is 'off', 1 shows green = good, yellow = bad, red = horrible, 2 shows packetsize
rate 5000 client player sets client data rat -*1000 - 5000 for modems, 10000+ for LAN
reconnect client player reconnects to the current server
record client demo begins to record a demo and saves it to Half-LifeValve.dem
retry client player tries four more times to connect to a server that has already failed four connect attempts
s_2dvolume 1 client audio maximum volume at which 2D sounds are played - * range from 0 to 1.0
s_a3d 0.000000 client audio toggles A3D support - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
s_automax_distance 30 client audio sets the distance for maximum sound volume
s_automin_distance 2 client audio sets the distance for minimum sound volume
s_bloat 2.0 client audio bloat factor for polygons in A3D 2.0 only
s_buffersize 65536 client audio sets the buffer size
s_disable_a3d 0 client audio toggles disabling a3D - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
s_distance 60 client audio adjust the ratio of game units to meters, affecting velocity, positioning and distance - * higher the number, the closer everything gets in audio terms - range from 0 to infinity
s_doppler 0.0 client audio adjusts the doppler - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off', range from 0 to 10, and is very sensitive
s_eax 0 client audio toggles EAX support - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
s_enable_a3d client audio enables A3D support
s_geometry 0 client audio toggles geometry rendering in A3D 2.0 only - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
s_max_distance 1000 client audio maximum distance from the listener before rolloff is no longer applied - * valid range from 's_min_distance' to infinity
s_min_distance 5 client audio minimum distance a source will be from the listener before rolloff is applied - * range from 0 to 's_max_distance'
s_numpolys 200 client audio maximum polygons to be rendered in A3D 2.0 only - setting this to 0 is the same as turning off 's_geometry' - * range from 0 to infinity
s_occfactor 0.250 client audio transmission value of material - the smaller the number, the less sound passes through material - * range from 0 to 1.0
s_occlude 0 client audio toggles sound passing throug material (occlusions) in A3D 2.0 only - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
s_refdelay 4 client audio delays between a source and its closest reflection in A3D 2.0 only - higher the delay, the more time it takes between when the source and its first reflection is played - * range from 0 to 100
s_refgain 0.4 client audio adjusts the gain on each reflection in A3D 2.0 only, where the effects of distance are increased: high frequencies are filtered and volume lowered - * range from 0 to 10
s_verbwet 0.25 client audio controls the wet/dry mix of reverb for A3D only - higher the number, the more wet the sounds - * range from 0 to 1.0
say "message" client player chat with all other players on a server
say_team "message" client players relay a message to only your teammates
scr_centertime 2     sets how long server messages remain on the screen
scr_conspeed 600 client player sets the console scroll speed
scr_printspeed 7 client player sets the screen message print speed
screenshot client player captures the screen and saves it in the Half-Life/Valve directory
sensitivity 9 client mouse sets the sensitivity of the mouse
serverinfo client player displays the server infromation
setdemoinfo info client demo adds information to a demo, such as a text title, play 'tracknum', fade or
setinfo client player - * i.e., 'setinfo "ts" "0"' or 'setinfo "dc" "0"'
showbriefing client player This shows the map briefing
showinfo 0 client player toggles display of all packets - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
showpackets 0 client player toggles network packet info display - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
showpause 0 client player toggles pause of graphic display - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
showram 0 client player toggles display of available ram - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
sizedown client player decreases screen size and increases fps
sizeup client player increases screen size and decreases fps
slot1 client player select weapon group 1 (or menu item 1) see 'use'
slot2 client player select weapon group 2 (or menu item 2) see 'use'
slot3 client player select weapon group 3 (or menu item 3) see 'use'
slot4 client player select weapon group 4 (or menu item 4) see 'use'
slot5 client player select weapon group 5 (or menu item 5) see 'use'
slot6 client player select weapon group 6 (or menu item 6) see 'use'
slot7 client player select weapon group 7 (or menu item 7) see 'use'
slot8 client player select weapon group 8 (or menu item see 'use'
slot9 client player select weapon group 9 (or menu item 9) see 'use'
slot10 client player select weapon group 10 (or menu item 10) see 'use'
setinfo vgui_menus X client player X = 0 or 1, 0 disables VGUI menus, 1 enables VGUI menus
snapshot client player takes a screenshot
speak client player to say something over the intercom - * try: hello, #000000, mesa, you, go alert
startdemos client demo begins playing demos in a loop
stop client demo stops the recording of a demo
stopdemo client demo stop the playing of a demo
stopsound client audio stops playing the current sound
swapdemo client demo swaps two segments' positions inside a demo
timedemo client demo plays .dem at max fps and reports average fps
timeleft client demo displays the amount ouf time remaining in the round
toggleconsole client player toggles the console screen - * usually bound to '~'
topcolor 30 client player sets the model top color
unbind client player removes binding to key
unbindall client player removes all key bindings
use client player uses an item or weapon, such as 'use weapon_crowbar'
vid_config_x 800 client video sets horizontal screen resolution
vid_config_y 600 client video sets vertical screen resolution
vid_d3d 0 client video toggles Direct3D support - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
vid_describemode client video displays video mode settings
vid_mode 0 client video sets video mode
vid_nopageflip 0 client video toggles disabling video page flipping - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
vid_wait 0 client video toggles video sync - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
viewframe client video enables wire-frame display - * OpenGL only
violence_ablood 0 client player toggles blood - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
volume 1.0 client audio sets game volume
weapon_ client player Pistols - glock18/usp/deagle/p228/elite/fiveseven

Submachineguns - mp5navy/p90/tmp/mac10/ump45

Assault Rifles - ak47/sg552/m4a1/aug ~Shotguns - m3/xm1014

Sniper Rifles - scout/awp/g3sg1/sg550 ~ Machinegun - m249

Other - c4/knife ~Grenades -flashbang/hegrenade/smokegrenade

- This selects the weapon directly, by binding a key like "h" to weapon_knife, and pressing "h", you pull out the knife

wait client player pauses for 1 tick during running an alias or script

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