*Players tu kosova servers me ne fund e modifikova nje konter qe munet me kon protocol 48 dhe qe eshte
*sxe-injected Compatible.
*Se shpejti nuk do te mundeni me lujt ne server pa Sxe injected,
*Me keqardhje po ju them po tash e tutje ka me u kerku sxe injected,
*dhe protocol 48 cs-ja, P47 nuk do tju hy ne pune.
*Po ju njoftoj rreth konterit pak:
*Conteri eshte i mir sepse bon LAN
*Dmth e krijon new game edhe mujn me pa serverin ton ata qe jon lan me ty
*Conteri eshte compatibel me win7 64 bit me win XP ose win Vista.
*ne konter skom bo kurfar modifikimi perveq backgroundit,
*kom pas qef me jau lon nje conter clean pa modifikime.
*Po ashtu edhe HALF-LIFE KPS eshte ne ket Setup.
when downloaded just run "Counter-Strike 1.6 KPS v42-P48.exe"
its a simple installer just follow with next and select directory you want to install.
dont forget to select (create a desktop icon).
when finishd you will see 2 icons on desktop one is:
*Counter-Strike 1.6 KPS that will run counter strike and one is:
*Half-Life KPS that will run Half Life.
se pics for more info:

its to easy to install just next next untill finish.
it is precracked with revemu so you dont need to pay anything just enter the online games servers or your favorite servers.
Best Regards HajrullaH
Seed Needed
